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About Laura

I'm a small-town girl who has always had big dreams. Ever since I was little, I have made lists of goals and plans of how to achieve them. Now, I consider myself a self-motivated optimist who encourages other along their journeys be providing strategic and creative solutions.

My top five strengths are context, achiever, discipline, includer, and individualization. These strengths show that I strive to gather as much information as possible before making a decision, work to achieve all goals, have the discipline to achieve goals, and ensure each and every person I cross paths with feels that they are seen and heard, and that they matter.

I hope you enjoy learning a little more about me and what I do, which includes being a wedding photographer, creative strategist, and travel blogger!

"If you can dream it you can do it"

Walt Disney

Life on the 'Gram

Get in Touch

Currently in Lincoln, Nebraska

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